Allow or block all un-sandboxed plugins on all websites

Published on 22 March 2020
Last Updated on 22 March 2020
Allow or block all un-sandboxed plugins on all websites
Image from PixaBay

In this blog post we will discuss the use of sandboxed and un-sandboxed plugins in various web browsers and how to either allow or block these plugins on your specific web browsers.

In this guide, we will be making use of "Simple Content Blocker" for the purposes of blocking or allowing sandboxed and un-sandboxed plugins on various web browsers.

Simple Content Blocker

Please take a look at the screenoshot given above that demonstrates how "Simple Content Blocker" is useful in blocking or un-blocking various content types on various devices.

Blocking all un-sandboxed plugins on all sites by default

Following are the steps to block all un-sandboxed plugins on all websites:

  • Make sure you have Simple Content Blocker installed on your device.
  • Click on extension icon
  • Use the check boxes provided to block all un-sandboxed plugins.
  • Checking the checkbox will block all un-sandboxed plugins on all sites by default.
  • After following above steps, un-sandboxed plugins might get blocked on all sites.

Un-blocking all un-sandboxed plugins on all sites by default

It might be dangerous to have all un-sandboxed plugins be un-blocked by default however if you still want to un-block all un-sandboxed plugins on all websites then you must follow these steps

Simple Content Blocker

  • Make sure to download and install the "Simple Content Blocker" on your device.
  • After the extension is available on your device, use the checkbox provided on your device screen to un-block all un-sandboxed plugins.
  • If the checkbox is un-checked that means all un-sandboxed plugins will be un-blocked on all devices.

After following above steps all un-sandboxed plugins will be un-blocked on all devices and this will help you access un-sandboxed plugins on your device without receiving a prompt.

Make sure to re-block all un-sandboxed plugins after you are done with this use case.

Use the download links provided below to download "Simple Content Blocker" on your devices.

Please follow instructions displayed on the site to successfully download "Simple Content Blocker"

What are sandboxed plugins

Sandboxed plugins are enabled by most web browsers. Sandboxed plugins may not have access to files on your devices, it also may not have access to various contents on your system. However There are times when more permissions must be granted to plugins in order to various tasks such as:

  • to stream protected media
  • install some kind of software on your system


However malicious actors can abuse such permissions to install unwanted software products and various other things on your system.

In this situation, it is best that we disable sandboxed plugin access to your system.

What are un-sandboxed plugins

Un-sandboxed plugins have slighly more elevated access to your file system. They might have access to additional resources on your system.

Un-sandboxed plugins are by default disabled by most web browsers for security purposes.

Thank you for reading this guide! We hope that you have found this guide useful!
