Advanced User Agent Switcher

Published on 15 February 2020
Last Updated on 15 February 2020
Advanced User Agent Switcher
Image by KodeMuse Software

Download Links

Please use download links given below to download latest version of our software. Also bookmark this page to manually download upcoming versions.

Also note that web browsers make use of various APIs that keep changing without notice. This can introduce uneasy bugs. To have such issues resolved, you must manually install latest version of our software using the links given below.

Recommended web browsers:

  • Brave
  • Opera
  • Google Chrome, Canary and Chromium
  • Other Chromium based web browsers.


Once you have downloaded zip file of our software, please follow simple instructions given below to install it on your device:

Installing on Opera, Brave, Google Chrome, Canary and other Chromium based web browsers

  1. Locate the ZIP file on your computer and unzip it.
  2. Go to "chrome://extensions/" page by typing it in address bar.
  3. Enable "Developer mode".
  4. Click on "Load unpacked extension" button
  5. Select the unzipped folder where "manifest.json" file is located to install extension.
After following above steps, extension will be installed on your chromium based web browser.


This software is neither created nor endorsed by any social media company.

This software neither collects nor transmits any personally identifiable information. This software does not track your browsing behaviour. Information necessary for functioning of this software is stored on the devices of the end user, our servers do not have access to this information. For more information please read our privacy policy and terms of service.

By using our software you agree to our "Terms Of Service" and "Privacy Policy".

Supported Web Browsers

Web Browser Supported
Google Chrome Yes
Chromium Yes
Chrome Canary Yes
Firefox No
Opera Yes

Privacy notice: This software neither collects nor transmits any personally identifiable information. This software does not track your browsing behaviour. Information necessary for functioning of this software is stored on the devices of the end user, our servers do not have access to this information. For more information please read our privacy policy and terms of service.


“Advanced User Agent Switcher” Helps users to change their default browser “User-Agent” string across all websites.

Advanced User Agent Switcher

This extension provides you with two options to change user agent string:

  • Use custom user agent string
  • Use pre-defined user agent string

If the extension is enabled but no user agent is selected, or entered in the user agent field then extension applies a blank user agent across all websites.

To make sure that a blank user agent is not applied, user must manually enter a user agent or select a user-agent from the existing list.

Option 1: Use custom user agent string

With this option, user is allowed to use a custom user agent string instead of using a pre-defined string.

This option allows user to take complete control over the “User-Agent” header and makes it possible to set the “User-Agent” header to any value desired by the end-user.

Option 2: User pre-defined user agent

This extension also provides you a list of pre-defined User-Agent name, value pairs. User can chose a pre-defined user agent from the list.

Once selected, the user-agent will be applied across all websites.

After changing user agent switcher Chrome extension, user must manually refresh the page.

How to uninstall "Advanced User Agent Switcher"

Once you have installed our browser extension, please follow steps given below to remove it from your device:

Un-Installing on Opera, Brave, Google Chrome, Canary and other Chromium based web browsers

  1. Open your web browser where you have installed our browser extension.
  2. Go to "chrome://extensions/" page by typing it in address bar.
  3. Click on the "Remove" button to remove the extension from your device.
  4. Restart web browser.
After following above steps, extension will be un-installed from your chromium based web browser.


We hope that you find this product useful and satisfies your use case. Thank you for reading this documentation!